Warpstock 98 attendee survey results - page 1 |
This survey was taken from a poll of the people attending the 1998 show. The results were compiled in November from the list
of 91 people responding. They are posted here with a great deal of gratitude to Esther Schindler who did all the work.
Question 1: I attended Warpstock as: |
A- A speaker or presenter 10.53% B- A vendor / exhibitor 13.16% C- OS/2 user 68.42% D- Press/media 01.75% E- Registered, but didn't make it to the event 03.51% F- Other 02.63% |
Question 2: Overall, how satisfied were you with Warpstock 98? |
A- Very satisfied 60.23% B- Satisfied 37.50% C- Dissatisfied 01.14% D- Very dissatisfied 01.14% |
Question 3: How likely are you to attend Warpstock next year? |
A- Very likely 59.34% B- Likely 18.68% C- Unlikely 03.30% D- Very unlikely 01.10% E- Likelihood of attendance depends on location 17.58% |
Question 4: How far did you travel to Warpstock 98? |
A- More than 1,000 miles 38.89% B- 500 - 1,000 miles 27.78% C- 300 - 500 miles 05.56% D- 100 - 300 miles 10.00% E- 30 - 100 miles 08.89% F- Less than 30 miles 05.56% G- Didn't actually attend in person 03.33% |
Question 5: Do you use OS/2... |
A- at home 43.98% B- in a small business (under 50 employees) 24.61% C- in a medium-sized enterprise (50 - 500 employees) 01.57% D- in a large business (500 - 2000 users) 03.14% E- In an large corporation (2000+ users) 04.71% F- Vendor/reseller of software, hardware, or services 10.99% G- OS/2 solutions developer 10.99% |
Question 6: Did your employer underwrite your 1998 Warpstock travel/expenses? |
A- Yes 26.44% B- No 73.56% |
Question 7: What can Warpstock do to increase the chances that your employer would underwrite your expenses? |
A- increase the number of IBM-run technical/training presentations 17.86% B- increase the number of non-IBM technical/training presentations 11.43% C- increase the number of IBM-run marketing presentations 05.71% D- increase the number of non-IBM marketing presentations 02.86% E- certification testing available 12.86% F- higher admission fee 00.00% G- lower admission fee 00.71% H- longer lead time for date, location, other info 05.00% I- event date not as close to other major computer oriented conventions 01.43% J- None of these would affect my employer's willingness to pay for the event 24.29% K- Wouldn't want/expect employer to pick up expenses 17.86% |
Question 9: Did you attend Warpstock 97? |
A- Yes 32.97% B- No 67.03% |
Question 10: How did you learn about Warpstock 98? |
A- Attended Warpstock 97 17.81% B- Told by a friend 10.27% C- Directly contacted by Warpstock organizers 10.27% D- Learned about it from an OS/2 vendor or supplier 04.11% E- IBM told me about Warpstock 00.00% F- Read about it in a magazine. 05.48% G- Posted on a newsgroup or listserv. 19.18% H- Link/recommendation from a Web site. 20.55% I- Other 12.33% |